Here is a selection of my most recently published work.
Benjamin Zephaniah poetry competition 2024
I was shortlisted in the 2024 Benjamin Zephaniah Future Writers Competition for my poem, ‘Between the Hours of 2:59 and 3:59AM’.
Dementia Together poetry competition
My poem ‘Patchwork’ was shortlisted in the Dementia Together poetry comeptition 2023.
26 Places in Cornwall / 26 Tyller yn Kernow Book
My poem and prose piece about Yearle’s Wood appeared in the 26 Places in Cornwall / 26 Tyller yn Kernow Book.
New Beginnings Competition 20n
My poem Chasing Rainbows was shortlisted in the New Beginnings Poetry Competition and was published in the anthology by Renard Press.
The hugest thank you to @writesparks @dear2020project for including my poems in her wonderful projects the Dear 2020 and Dear 2021 Zines.
My poem HerHawthorn was included in issue two of the Blood Moon Journal, [in]bloom.
Gingernut Magazine is a beautiful new publication full to the brim with gorgeous illustrations, interviews, stories, poetry and much more. It is an absolute joy and privilege to see one of my poems published in Issue Two.
One of my poems was picked to feature in this beautiful poetry zine edited by the award-winning poet Hollie McNish and published by The Mum Poem Press. Entitled Why Mums are Amazing it’s a collection of fourteen poems each accompanied by a delightful and unique illustration. It also featured in their book
A selection of my poems appeared in issues 11 and 12.
It was such a pleasure to be interviewed by Jackie Leonard from Motherscope for her podcast Mother Writer. Reframing the Mundane as Marvellous.
the southwester is a beautiful newspaper for the imagination. In issue two, I wrote a piece called (Be)Longing: On returing home.
I wrote a piece for Isabella and Us entitled ‘In pursuit of the ordinary: Finding extraordinary joy when writing poetry about the everyday ’.
I recently interviewed the award-winning author and journalist Huma Qureshi for Stranger Collective’s Strike Magazine.
In 2020, I wrote a piece for Popshot Magazine about ‘How poetry has helped parents through lockdown‘.
My article Finding magic in the unfamiliar featured in issue 13 of Lionheart Magazine.
Hope amid the Storms, I had the absolute JOY of speaking recently to the simply wonderful @kerrinidochartaigh for the latest edition of @lionheartmag.
Motherlore, Mothering in the Mist.
Motherscope: My essay entitled Fledgling appeared in the wonderful Motherscope in June 2022. Kisses in the Sky appeared on their online journal in September 2022. A third piece entitled Circuit Breaker was published in February 2023.
Rainbow Washing Lines, an essay about living in the pandemic, appeared online in the Many Reasons to be Cheerful Annual and on their website.
Stained Glass Window Biscuits an essay for the Many Reasons to be Cheerful.
Snapdragons in Gutters, an essay about grief and loss appeared in the second Reasons to be Cheerful annual.
Short stories
My short story Blue Screen Error was featured by The Lit Platform for Issue 4 of their quarterly publication, The Lit.
A Thousand Word Photos featured my story Deployed in response to Louis Leeson’s stunning photograph for their project for InterAct Stroke Support.
I was interviewed by Jenny Rowe for the 12th issue of Lionheart Magazine about writing poetry.
I was recently interviewed by Daniel Pascoe for his BBC Upload Show about writing poetry.
Spoken Word & Readings
I have performed at Telltales in Falmouth, for the Mum Poem Press, at Tunes in the Park festival
I was recently commissioned for Sprout Spoken’s You Are Here performance in 2022 and 2024.
My poem What To Notice was played on BBC Upload Cornwall.
I’m currently working on two books, a poetry collection and a work of creative non-fiction. If you would like to commission or hire me, please get in touch.